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Cameroon's Fiber Network Issues Disrupt Telecom Services

Thursday, 12 September 2024 21:15
Cameroon's Fiber Network Issues Disrupt Telecom Services

(Ecofin Agency) - In recent days, many consumers in Cameroon have taken to social media to voice their frustration over the declining quality of services from telecom operators Orange and MTN. In response, the telecom regulator stepped in to explain the situation.

One of the main reasons for the recent drop in mobile service quality is the ongoing degradation of the national fiber optic network. This was confirmed by Philémon Zoo Zame, the Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ART), in a statement released on September 11. He also pointed out that energy supply issues have contributed to the problem.

Zoo Zame noted that multiple fiber optic cable cuts have occurred on certain sections of the national network. These findings come from an operational audit of the fiber optic network currently being conducted by the ART, following government instructions. The regulator emphasized that the current maintenance conditions for the network need to be reassessed.

“The technical teams from MTN Cameroon and Orange Cameroun are working closely with Camtel [Cameroon’s main telecom operator] to restore optimal service conditions for their public electronic communication networks as quickly as possible,” the statement read.

It is noteworthy that Camtel holds the monopoly on the deployment and operation of the fiber optic network. The company manages the distribution of international capacity from the six submarine cables to which Cameroon is connected, through the national fiber optic network that spans 15,812 kilometers. In October 2023, Camtel announced plans to add another 3,500 kilometers to the network.

Camtel has faced financial difficulties for several years. In 2022, the Ministry of Finance revealed that the operator lacked the funds to finance its investments. The company is also burdened with a debt of CFA600 billion ($1 billion). In May 2023, ART fined Camtel CFA800 million for failing to meet its coverage and service quality obligations.



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ECOFIN AGENCY offers a selection of articles translated from AGENCE ECOFIN. Founded in 2011, Agence Ecofin is a leader in Francophone Pan-African economic news, particularly in West and Central Africa. The agency publishes daily news on nine African economic sectors: Public Management, Finance, ICT, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Communication, and Training.

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