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Orange Money and Flash International, a new partnership serving the population

Monday, 24 February 2020 10:48
Orange Money and Flash International, a new partnership serving the population

(CFC ) - The Democratic Republic of Congo has a low bank enrollment rate, leaving millions of people outside the banking system. However, more than 45% of the Congolese population use mobile phones, which makes it possible to increase financial affordability.

In the DRC, several mobile money agents, for lack of liquidity, have especially constraints when it comes to carrying out transactions of large amounts. To meet these constraints, Flash International has signed a partnership contract with the Orange group. The Orange Money service is now available in all branches of the FLASH/CFC network and at more than 4,000 Flash agents across the DRC. The integration of the Orange Money service into FlashApp, the mobile application is already effective, and Orange Money service users can now carry out their transactions within CFC/Flash network in full tranquility and security, even when large amounts are involved.

This innovative integration allows more than 4,000 Flash agents to distribute electronic money, cash and value-added services by simply debiting their Flash accounts. No more need to manage a multitude of wallets and product accounts, what allows to generate more sales and services with a minimum of cash.

With nearly 100 CFC agencies and 4,000 Flash agents throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Flash is currently largest digital distribution network in DR Congo and offers the Congolese population other additional services to which Orange Money has just been added. All that make CFC/Flash now the largest Orange Money distributor in DR Congo.

About CFC (Compagnie Financière du Congo)
CFC in conjunction with the Flash digital distribution platform, provides money transfers, electronic money, bank account payments, Visa cards, telephone recharge, Internet tariff plans, television subscriptions, trade payments, tax payments and other value-added services. It performs more than a million transactions per month through more than 300 points of sales.

About Flash International
Flash International is the pioneer in the digital distribution of money transfer services at the regional level thanks to its Flash application, launched in December 2018. Its team of African developers successfully integrated into a single FinTech platform advanced technologies, including blockchain, biometric validations, AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning.

Flash International currently operates in 3 countries with now more than 4000 active agents and more than 50,000 transactions per day. The application FlashApp is available on Google Play and soon on the Apple App Store.
Flash International has used its IP (Intellectual Property) and its proprietary network to create the first aggregation of financial services and value-added services in the region, which provides innovative digital distribution platforms, serving its customers in the Central Africa region.




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ECOFIN AGENCY offers a selection of articles translated from AGENCE ECOFIN. Founded in 2011, Agence Ecofin is a leader in Francophone Pan-African economic news, particularly in West and Central Africa. The agency publishes daily news on nine African economic sectors: Public Management, Finance, ICT, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Transport & Logistics, Communication, and Training.

Mediamania Sarl
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1201 Genève
Tél: +41 22 301 96 11


Benjamin FLAUX
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